Ancient wisdom and knowledge

Living in harmony

This is a course about the Aboriginees of the Australian Rainforest. To understand the rainforest is to understand the way everything in it works as a perfect eco system. The sun, the earth, the water, the plants, the animals and the insects.

The Aboriginal people’s use of plants in the Wet Tropics goes back many thousands of years. Many different linguistic groups shred the rainforest and surrounding ranges. This course will focus upon the Kuku Yalanji’s use of plants. Before European occupation the ancestors of the present day Aboriginal people gained all their fuel, most of their food and medicines and many of the implements, weapons, fibres and construction material from the plants in the environment.

The people lived in harmony with their environment. They were part of it and it was part of them. They were able to achieve this because their culture has always involved a deep respect for nature and an intimate knowledge of its cycles. Traditional harvesting of plant food complemented the natural patterns.

Connect to Mother Earth

Balance and harmony with the environment

Close knowledge of the native plant species in the region is an aspect of Aboriginal culture that is important to retain especially as knowledge about plant use is becoming restricted to the memories of fewer and fewer people.

Since European occupation Aboriginal communities have been forced to stay in one place with enormous cultural consequences. The traditional use of native plants, while continuing, has for some time been declining because much land has been cleared for agricultural and other purposes. The diversity of plant life and associated fauna found in the rainforests provided the people with a rich and balanced diet of seasonal fruits, nuts, roots, vegetables, meats and fish. The environment also provided materials for shelter, for implements of various types needed in daily life, for ceremonies, hunting and fishing, tools, weapons and containers.

A special case in point which concerns Kuku Yalanji is the Black Palm which provided for a huge variety of their needs. Access to this plant is becoming more and more difficult. It cannot be harvested from the National Parks, nor do they have sufficient land to grow stands of this plant. In consequence many traditional uses for the plant, and the technology of its use, are dying out.

This course will give some basic knowledge of the heritage of the Kuku Yalanji people of Mossman Gorge. Basic information will be given on the flora of the area and its use by the Kuku Yalanji people. The common and botanical names including the family of the plants are given, but most importantly, the names used by the Kuku Yalanji are given.

Many of the plant foods are toxic and require careful preparation and handling. It is therefore important to note that people who have not been taught the correct steps in the the preparation of the foods should not attempt to so. The information in this course is for theoretical knowledge, not practical usage. Ingestion of the plants can result is serious illness.

With the destruction of so much of the rainforest – for timber and agricultural land – the indigenous people, their culture and language have been placed under extreme pressure. Many indigenous people in the region have lost their mother tongue. The Kuku Yalanji have, however been able to retain theirs, to the enormous benefit of future generations.

Aboriginees - Curriculum

  • 1

    Introduction to The Aboriginees

    • Welcome the the course: The Aboriginees of the Australian Rainforest

    • Assignment 1 – Aboriginees of the Australian Rainforest

    • Indigenous Peoples

    • Aboriginal Groups - History

    • Aboriginal - Belief Systems

    • Music, Dance and Ceremony

  • 2

    Aboriginees - Videos

    • Aboriginees - Indigenous 1

    • Aboriginees - Indigenous 2

    • Aboriginees - Indigenous 3

    • Aboriginees - Indigenous 4

    • Aboriginees - Indigenous 5

    • Aboriginees - Indigenous 6

    • Aboriginees - Indigenous 7

    • Aboriginees - Indigenous 8

    • Aboriginees - Indigenous 9

    • Aboriginees - Indigenous 10

    • Aboriginees - Indigenous 11

    • Aboriginees - Indigenous 12

    • Aboriginees - Indigenous 13

    • Aboriginees - Indigenous 14

    • Aboriginees - Indigenous 15

    • Aboriginees - Indigenous 16

    • Aboriginees - Indigenous 17

    • Aboriginees - Indigenous 18

    • Aboriginees - Indigenous 19

    • Aboriginees - Indigenous 20

    • Aboriginees - Indigenous 21

    • Aboriginees - Indigenous

  • 3

    Aboriginees - Assignments and Homework

    • Assignment 2 – Aboriginees of the Australian Rainforest

    • Assignment 3 – Aboriginees of the Australian Rainforest

    • Assignment 4 – Aboriginees of the Australian Rainforest

    • Assignment 5 – Aboriginees of the Australian Rainforest

    • Assignment 6 – Aboriginees of the Australian Rainforest

About Your Instructor

Doctor of Metaphysics

Gillian Godtfredsen

Doctor of Metaphysics, PhD Holistic Life Coaching, Certified NLP Master Trainer, Registered Integrative Therapist, Registered Health Coach, Educational Developer, Certified Professional Coach, Mentor Trainer, Mindfulness Teacher, Certified Hypnotherapist, Certified Time Line Therapy Practitioner. Board Member and NOCNA Head Coach "Help for self-help is the best help of all" says Gillian Godtfredsen who created the motto 40 years ago. She is the pioneer and entrepreneur who has founded The Paradigm Academy and NOCNA. The 6 most important signature strengths chosen by colleagues: vision, determination, discipline, strength, heartwarming.

The Academic

Melinda Merunada

PhD, Certified NLP Master Trainer, Masters Degree in Medical Science, Masters Degree in Public Health, Masters Degree in Adult Education and Education with Social Psychology, Physiotherapist, Registered Health Coach, Certified Life Coach, Certified Professional Coach, RYTA 500 Registered Yoga Teacher, Dancer, Advanced Yoga, Pilates, Mindfulness- and Meditation Teacher, Mediator in NOCNA, the deputy chairman and chief trainer, "Academic and the eternal student it is me ....." says multi-professional Finnish Melinda. She is one of the world's most highly academically educated NLPers and is committed to quality in teaching. The 6 most important signature strengths chosen by colleagues: dedication, discipline, creativity, goal awareness, focused, conscientious ...

Skills and Wisdom

Aboriginees course gives you an introduction into the culture of the Aboriginees.

  • Mother Earth

  • The Power of Nature

  • The Rainforest

  • The Aboriginees - culture

  • Way of Life

  • Initiations and Celebration


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