Ta kontroll over ditt sinn

Nå dine mål

Selvhypnose er kanskje det mest effektive og kraftfulle verktøy som kan tas i bruk til å kontrollere ditt sinn og ditt liv. Så lenge det har vært mennesker har det vært hypnose. Det ble brukt opprinnelig for fysisk healing, emosjonell healing og smertekontroll.

Lær effektive teknikker

Gi ditt sinn positive forslag til forandring

Ved kurset kan du lære deg hvordan du kan sette deg selv i transe og gi deg selv positive forslag i denne transen som vil være virkningsfulle når du er tilbake i våken tilstand. Du lærer en fantastisk ferdighet for livet.

"Hjelp til selvhjelp er den beste hjelpen en kan få"
- Gillian R. Godtfredsen


    1. Velkommen til kurset i Selvhypnose

    1. Kort om selvhypnose

    2. Selvhypnose i praksis

    3. Enkel selvhypnose-teknikk

    1. Historien om Hypnose

    1. Dr Milton H Erickson - Hypnosens og hypnoterapiens far

    1. Edgar Cayce - den store mystikeren

    1. 4 Square Breath

    2. Å skape en god og trygg ramme for din selvhypnose-praksis

    3. Å skape forslag for selvhypnose

    4. Induksjon i selvhypnose

    5. Tillit til prosessen

    6. Re-orientering eller å våkne opp

About this course

  • €99,00
  • 16 lessons
  • 0.5 hours of video content


Doctor of Metaphysics Gillian Godtfredsen

Doctor of Metaphysics, PhD Holistic Life Coaching, Certified NLP Master Trainer, Registered Integrative Therapist, Registered Health Coach, Educational Developer, Certified Professional Coach, Mentor Trainer, Mindfulness Teacher, Certified Hypnotherapist, Certified Time Line Therapy Practitioner. Board Member and NOCNA Head Coach "Help for self-help is the best help of all" says Gillian Godtfredsen who created the motto 40 years ago. She is the pioneer and entrepreneur who has founded The Paradigm Academy and NOCNA. The 6 most important signature strengths chosen by colleagues: vision, determination, discipline, strength, heartwarming.

The Academic Melinda Merunada

PhD, Certified NLP Master Trainer, Masters Degree in Medical Science, Masters Degree in Public Health, Masters Degree in Adult Education and Education with Social Psychology, Physiotherapist, Registered Health Coach, Certified Life Coach, Certified Professional Coach, RYTA 500 Registered Yoga Teacher, Dancer, Advanced Yoga, Pilates, Mindfulness- and Meditation Teacher, Mediator in NOCNA, the deputy chairman and chief trainer, "Academic and the eternal student it is me ....." says multi-professional Finnish Melinda. She is one of the world's most highly academically educated NLPers and is committed to quality in teaching. The 6 most important signature strengths chosen by colleagues: dedication, discipline, creativity, goal awareness, focused, conscientious ...

The Pilot Elisabeth Tanum

Pilot, ATPL-A, Airline Captain, Certified NLP Trainer, Certified Professional Coach, Certified Business Coach, NLP Coach, Leadership Coach, Certified Hypnotherapist, Registered Health Coach, Sports Coach, Certified Business Coach. Elisabeth has long experience with management from the airline industry. At the age of 24, she became a professional pilot on Boeing 737. At the age of 30 she was appointed flight crew, and then held full responsibility for both aircraft, crew and passenger safety. Elisabeth is co-owner and board member of NOCNA. She is NLP Trainer and Certified Hypnotherapist has also been a teacher in child and youth school and has experience in sales. In addition, she has been an active athlete and football coach for children and youth. The 6 most important signature strengths chosen by colleagues: positive, solution-oriented, goal-conscious, courageous, humorous, accomplished.


Kurset i selvhypnose gir deg en praktisk innføring i selvhypnosens spennende verden.

  • Sett rammen for din praksis

  • Skape effektive forslag

  • Bruk selvhypnose på ulike utfordringer

  • Lær å utføre selvhypnose

  • Få kunnskap

  • Praktisere regelmessig


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