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Mindfulness is the basic human ability to be fully present, aware of where we are and what we are doing, and not overly reactive or overwhelmed by what´s going on around us. While mindfulness is something we all naturally possess, it’s more readily available to us when we practice on a daily basis.

Learn to practice mindfulness in everyday life

Get practical skills and tips!

Certified Mindfulness Practitioner is a practical course which will help you to develop your personal mindfulness practice.


    1. Introduction

    2. Welcome to the course Certified Mindfulness Practitioner

    3. About this course

    4. What is Mindfulness/Meditation?

    5. Mindfulness is for all

    6. What is Holism?

    7. Benefits of Mindfulness Meditation

    8. Origins of mindfulness

    9. Some tips for your mindfulness practice

    10. Types of Meditation

    11. Some starting reflections on mindfulness

    12. One minute Mindfulness

    13. Assignment part 1

    1. Mindful Breathing

    2. Mindfulness Practitioner - Breathing

    3. Why should you practice mindful breathing?

    4. Cleansing the body with breath

    5. 4 Square Breath

    6. 4 Square Breath video

    7. Mindful breathing Moment

    8. Balloon Breath

    9. Mindful Breathing

    10. Mindfulness Breathing

    11. Assignment part 2

    1. 30 sek Mindfulness 1

    2. 30 sek Mindfulness 2

    3. 30 sek Mindfulness 3

    4. 30 sek Mindfulness 4

    5. Concentration and Focus

    6. What is Concentration?

    7. Going deeper into Concentration

    8. How can you learn to focus?

    1. Workplace Mindfulness

    2. Attitudes in mindfulness

    1. What is visualisation?

    2. Visualization for releasing tensions in neck and shoulders

    3. Healing Journey

    4. Natural Healing

    5. Joyful Heart Meditation

    6. Self-Study assignments

    7. Assignment part 5

    1. Tuning into the body

    2. Tuning into your face

    3. The posture in mindfulness

    4. Settling into the body

    5. Preparation for body scan exercise

    6. The body scan exercise

    7. 3 min body scan

    8. Moving attention around the body

    9. Mindfulness exercise: The Hand

    10. Self-study assignments

    11. Assignment part 6

About this course

  • €220,00
  • 55 lessons
  • 0 hours of video content

About Your Instructor

Doctor of Metaphysics Gillian Godtfredsen

Doctor of Metaphysics, PhD Holistic Life Coaching, Certified NLP Master Trainer, Registered Integrative Therapist, Registered Health Coach, Educational Developer, Certified Professional Coach, Mentor Trainer, Mindfulness Teacher, Certified Hypnotherapist, Certified Time Line Therapy Practitioner. Board Member and NOCNA Head Coach "Help for self-help is the best help of all" says Gillian Godtfredsen who created the motto 40 years ago. She is the pioneer and entrepreneur who has founded The Paradigm Academy and NOCNA. The 6 most important signature strengths chosen by colleagues: vision, determination, discipline, strength, heartwarming.

The Academic Melinda Merunada

PhD, Certified NLP Master Trainer, Masters Degree in Medical Science, Masters Degree in Public Health, Masters Degree in Adult Education and Education with Social Psychology, Physiotherapist, Registered Health Coach, Certified Life Coach, Certified Professional Coach, RYTA 500 Registered Yoga Teacher, Dancer, Advanced Yoga, Pilates, Mindfulness- and Meditation Teacher, Mediator in NOCNA, the deputy chairman and chief trainer, "Academic and the eternal student it is me ....." says multi-professional Finnish Melinda. She is one of the world's most highly academically educated NLPers and is committed to quality in teaching. The 6 most important signature strengths chosen by colleagues: dedication, discipline, creativity, goal awareness, focused, conscientious ...


The Mindfulness Practitioner course gives you an introduction to the world of mindfulness. You will listen to guided meditations and experience what mindfulness can bring to your everyday life.

  • Mindfulness

  • Breathing

  • Focus & Concentration

  • Energy

  • Visualisation

  • Mind-Body Connection


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